Plaenge Close video

The tranquility of being able to dream

Plaenge is the most consolidated brand, within the group, when it comes to market presence and has the most tradition and history. Plaenge’s buildings are synonymous with elevated standards and the brand is a leader in the markets in which it operates.

Plaenge Chile Close video
Plaenge Chile

A dream of sophistication

Using our know-how, tradition and reliability to deliver projects with elegance, class and sophistication in Chile.

Plaenge Industrial Close video
Plaenge Industrial

Plaenge finds its roots in the industrial sector. The construction of large and complex projects was how the company began and that paved the way for its bright future. The company relentlessly works to advance industry frontiers by expanding to new territories and reaching broader audiences via researching and developing new processes, systems and technologies.

Vanguard Close video

The experience of being ahead

As a younger brand and with greater flexibility, the Vanguard brand has more freedom to dare: create and propose dynamic projects that are, often, ahead of the markets in which it operates. Vanguard´s role is to be a gateway to new ideas, concepts and innovations that can improve projects, processes and businesses within Plaenge.

Vanguard Chile Close video
Vanguard Chile

The experience of being ahead

To understand the complexities of change and to create spaces that allow an authentic, dynamic, intelligent and relevant living experience is part of Vanguard´s essence.
Vanguard Chile delivers projects that are above and beyond clients’ expectations, each project being unique and inspiring.

Grupo Plaenge

Great achievements begin with a dream

Plaenge was created in 1970 from the vision of a young engineer who believed in building an ethical and reliable company that would be useful to people. Today, with more than 6 million m² built, Plaenge has become one of the most important engineering groups in the country, operating in the real estate development and industrial construction sectors.

  •  +472residencial buildings delivered
  • Construction of60%of Coca-Cola
    plants in Brazil
  •  +2600employees in +250
    companies specialized
    in construction activities
Grupo Plaenge